Data, CCTV & Security


  • Data Points
  • Patch Panels, Cabinets and Racks
  • NBN - Phone line additions, First points, etc
  • Wireless set ups (WAPs)
  • Microwave links

We provide and install all your data wiring needs throughout your home, office, garage and shed.


Update or repair your phone system. We can redirect, replace or install phone access to other places in your premises.


Cannot get internet reception from one room or one building to another?

We can set up a wireless system of access points or even link you from 1 building to another. One of our customers had NBN installed on a shed, then built a house and could not get Modem connection in it, leaving them to run everything off there mobile. Sure, they could get NBN to redirect their equipment to the house, But at a fair cost. We installed a microwave link between the two buildings and at a reasonable cost. They now have wireless connection at both the house and the shed.


Nowadays everyone is watching everyone, but as we are all being watched over, our assets are not. Do you need to know that your premises are safe whilst you are asleep, or out, or on holiday, or just finished for the day or weekend? Do you have someone looking after your house, your pet, your business, your till, whilst you are away?

Putting cameras around the premises and having access at all times, as well as having backup recordings is helping in protecting our belongings or our own safety. Good quality cameras now can produce high resolution footage and images. If you need to know more about what we can offer to you give us a call and we will gladly discuss your needs.


We can install alarm systems to cater for different budgets, along with CCTV, or as a stand-alone system. Secure with motion sensing or opening sensing, zone control, visual and audible alarms and ring through notice to your phone another phone or security company.